Add Emojis To Your Excel Formulas. Excel Tip.

Hello, Excellers. Welcome back to another #FormulaFriday Excel tip. Today I will show you how to add emojis to your Excel formulas. Yes, emojis are everywhere. Even in Excel formulas if you want them to be there. So if emojis are your thing, follow the instructions below to use them in your Excel formulas. Let’s take an example from start to finish.

My data set is below. Let’s use the 👍 emoji if sales are on or ahead of target. Alternatively, we can display the 👎 emoji. The result should be like the data in the screengrab below. Emojis are shown as black and white in Excel on desktop, but Excel online is full colour.

Emojis in Excel formulas

The IF Formula is used to create this result. The syntax of the IF function is below if you need a refresher.

=IF (logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false])

So, in this example, the logical test is if the Actual Sales are greater than or equal to Sales Target. If the logical test is true (or met), then insert the 👍emoji. If the test is false,e then 👎 will be inserted into the cell.

So, to insert the emojis, hit the Windows key and the period key (.) or the semi-colon key (;). Then, select the emoji you need.

Excel emojis

The full formula looks like the screen- grab below.

emojis in your Excel formulas

Follow the steps below to write the formula.  To access the Emoji hit the Windows plus period or full stop, or semi colon.

use emojis in Excel

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Excel Macro


Barbara is an experienced data analyst with over 20 years of experience. Author of the How To Excel At Excel Top 50 Excel tips Ebook, YouTuber and Excel Blogger.

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