Make All Of Your Excel Charts The Same Size

Do you have a bunch of different-sized Excel charts on your worksheet? Do you need to know how to how to resize charts in Excel?. If so, you’re not alone. It’s easy to create multiple charts and then forget about the size until it’s too late. But don’t worry – we’ll show you how to make all of your Excel charts the same size in just a few simple steps. So follow along with us, and soon your charts will be uniformly sized and looking great!

Excel Macro

This is a really useful tip if you have multiple charts embedded on a worksheet and they would look a lot better if they were all aligned and the same size.  I use this a lot when presenting multiple charts. Simply follow the steps below to find out how to resize charts in Excel.

How To Resize Charts In Excel

  • First, select on of the charts that is the correct size you want.  In my example it is the chart in the bottom right of the worksheet.
  • Click the chart to select it
resize your charts in Excel
  • Chart Tools>Format- note the height and width settings of the chart
  • Select CTL+Click the other three charts so all four are selected
  • Chart>Tools Format-enter in the height and width settings noted in the first step above
  • The charts will now be the same size see below
how to resize charts in Excel

You can go ahead and manually align the charts or get Excel to do this for you

Chart Tools>Format>Arrange>Align

So, that’s all there is to it! You can make all of your charts the same size charts in Excel by following these simple steps. If you have any questions, or need more help with Excel, be sure to check out our other tutorials. We have everything from basic tips and tricks to advanced functions and formulas. Thanks for reading, and happy charting!


Barbara is an experienced data analyst with over 20 years of experience. Author of the How To Excel At Excel Top 50 Excel tips Ebook, YouTuber and Excel Blogger.

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