Hello, Excellers and welcome back to another #FormulaFriday #Excel blog post in my Excel series. Today I want to answer a question that a subscriber sent to me. If you want to ask any...
Category: Formulas
Are you trying to figure out percentage change or variance? You're in luck! In this blog post, we'll show you how to do it step-by-step using Excel. Whether you're looking for the variance between...
When you are working with data in Excel, you may often find yourself needing to combine the results of two or more separate cell formulas into a single cell. This process is called concatenation. In...
Formula Friday – 3 Reasons To Use Named Ranges In Your Excel Formulas
Hey Excellers, thanks for joining me for another #formulafriday. Today I want to share my top 3 reasons to use named ranges in your formulas. There are many benefits to using named ranges in your...
Hello Excellers and welcome back to another blog post in my Excel tips #Excel #FormulaFriday blog post in my Excel series. A lot of systems (mainframe usually) use Julian dates. This blogpost will...
How To Create An In Cell Bar Chart Using The REPT Function In Excel -Formula Friday
Hello Excellers it is Friday again and time for #formulafriday where we have some Excel formula fun. Have you used the REPT function in Excel or ever used it?. It's a bit elusive so let's get it...