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Sorting Excel Data By Colour

Excel allows you to sort your data in many ways, but with Excel 2007 onwards we can now sort easily by the font colour or by the cell fill colour.  It is easy and effective and is available as a...

Resetting Your Last Used Cell In Excel

Do you ever get reams of paper printing at the end of your worksheet?   I have been asked about this a few times, even if users have deleted their empty rows that they no longer use, when they hit...

Quick Formatting with Excel Format Painter

We all love a bit of formatting, but copying and/or repeating formatting can be a big pain unless you use the super format painter.  So, here is how to quickly copy formatting from one worksheet to...

Change The Color Of Cell Borders

I know someone who loves cell borders, they really do. I'm no fan myself in most circumstances.  But, in keeping with the Bronze Silver and Gold theme of the recently finished Olympics In London...