Formula Friday -Using The Workday Function To Calculate Status Of An SLA

I dont know about you, but our IT department at work has an SLA turnaround time of 8 days. That is 8 working days, so we can’t really chase them for any updates until that time has elasped. (booooo). Sooo can we quickly work out with Excel how long it has been since we logged the call and if it is out of SLA is still within it.

So-we could try to use the TODAY() function which is useful for calculating intervals between a specified date and the current date, for example calculating how many days it has been since we logged that IT call or the start of a project – a simple example can be below-

That is all well and good but if we need to only be concerned with workdays (in this case we are specifying Saturday and Sunday are non working days), we need to add a little bit more to our formula to take into account the non working days.

So, back to our IT call we logged. We know that the threshold is 8 working days, we can then get Excel to display if the date difference from when the call was logged to the current date is over 8 working days then it is out of SLA and if it is under or equal to 8 working days it is within SLA.

Let’s go ahead and build our formula starting with an IF function

=IF(B3<=WORKDAY(TODAY(),-8),”Out Of SLA”,”Within SLA”)

The logic of this formula is —if the date in cell B3 is less than or equal todays date minus 8 working days then the call is within SLA otherise it is out of SLA.

Ok, back that IT call I logged now I am armed with my correct dates to tackle IT department…..


1.Delete values from cells but keep formulas

2. View all of your Excel formulas at once

3.Hide all of your Excel formulas from prying eyes!

4.Undertand and debug Excel formula errors


Barbara is an experienced data analyst with over 20 years of experience. Author of the How To Excel At Excel Top 50 Excel tips Ebook, YouTuber and Excel Blogger.

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