Formula Friday- Excel Tip- Using the IF Formula in Excel to check if a number is greater than another

Welcome again to Formula Friday, your pre weekend dose of Excel Formulaness.

Ok so today we will look at the very basics of using the IF formula in particular how to check if one number is greater than another.  Very useful in Excel work.

As ever an example is always useful.  Our scenario this time is to determine if a sales person managed to generate more sales leads this year than they generated last year.


The syntax of the formula is


So, in our example we have two years of sales leads for our four sales people, column D for 2013 and E for 2014 to date..

Let’s go ahead and get Excel to tell us if the sales leads for each of our guys is greater this year than last.

The formula will be……

=IF(E6>D6,”More Leads”,”Less Leads”)

….this translates to if the value in E6 is greater than the value in D6, then insert More Leads, if it is not insert “Less Leads”, all we need to do then is drag the formula down the list of sales people for our full set of results.

That’s It Job Done!




Barbara is an experienced data analyst with over 20 years of experience. Author of the How To Excel At Excel Top 50 Excel tips Ebook, YouTuber and Excel Blogger.

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