Formula Friday – Easily SUM Values From Different Excel Sheets With The Same Cell Address

Time for some more Friday Formula Fun. Today we are looking at the good old SUM function, but we are going to use it to SUM the values from the same cell in multiple Excel worksheets.

What does that mean?.

Have you ever had the same cell value on multiple Excel sheets in the same workbook, for example having Sales on each sheet, being an individual monthly report, but being combined into one one Summary worksheet?.

sum multiple values same cell address

We can quickly and easily SUM all of the months into the summary sheet by using SUM and a couple of extra key strokes.


  • Select the cell that will contain your Summary Values, in this case it is C3 on the Yearly Summary Sheet and type =SUM(
  • Select the tab of the first sheet to SUM in this case it is JAN.
  • Hold down the SHIFT key and select the last sheet to SUM. In this example it is MAR.
  • Select the cell to SUM in this case it is C3 the same cell address on all our sheets).
  • Close the parentheses on your formula and hit Enter

Your formula will look something like this

sum multiple values same cell address1

The formula has summed all of the values in the range JAN:MAR! which is all of the values from cells C3 in all of the sheets JAN, FEB and MAR. Clever? A quick, easy and accurate way to sum the same cell address on multiple sheets.



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Barbara is an experienced data analyst with over 20 years of experience. Author of the How To Excel At Excel Top 50 Excel tips Ebook, YouTuber and Excel Blogger.

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