Why You Should Use MS Excel To Build Business Dashboards

dashboard_blog_example_3Dashboard skills are in great demand by employers, if you can build great dashboards; it is a valuable skill to have. Even better if you can build them in one of the most widely used pieces of software- Microsoft Excel.

Essentially dashboards are a technique of report used to visually present critical metrics or a data summary to enable quick and effective business decisions. This would be in the same way a car dashboard will display only the main pieces of data needed when driving your car.

There are a variety of dashboards around, you will no doubt have heard of Metrics Dashboard, Business Intelligence Dashboard, Operational Dashboard, Performance Dashboard, the list can go on.

Most users under use and underestimate the power of Microsoft Excel in particular when it comes to creating interactive dashboard reports. With business requirements changing at increasing speed, the need for clarify on business performance and metrics is in strong demand.

Here are some great reasons for using Excel to build your business dashboards:-

My favorite reason for using Excel is its Flexibility.

How many times has a manager asked for extra items, change the timing of the reports and how they look? Excel can easily accommodate these changes and allows users to quickly respond to changing requirements of business. This flexibility can allow users to add extra metrics, add in extra charts, replace graphs, and change emphasis by font size and color. Of course as well as Excel being part of the Office Suite allows ease of interaction between other Office products.

Powerful Analytical Capability.

Excel can handle complex statistical calculations, many of which are in-built as Functions which can then be easily displayed on a dashboard. Help on these in-built functions is readily available from the onscreen help and a walk through of all the elements of the function.

Ease of Distribution.

Excel users are everywhere, and no matter how good any other bespoke piece of software is to build dashboards, there will not be that many people who know how to use it, or be able to open it in a usable format. It is probable that nearly everyone involved in business in some way will at least heard of Excel, if not know something about the software. Team it up with Share Point and you have one powerful publishing platform.

Ease of Use and Learning.

A lot more organizations are realizing the benefits of empowering their own employees to analyze and present their own metrics for their own departments. You do not need an Excel Visual Basic expert to build dashboards when you get to know the correct combinations of worksheet functions.

Easily Identify And Fix Errors.

With Excel it is easy to test for errors in your data, you can search for missing values and highlight values that are unreasonably high or low or that you are just not expecting in your data set. Once you can see your errors you can easily then go about fixing them.

Superb Magazine Quality Reports.

Excel dashboards are not just easy to build, scalable, distributable and easily adaptable, they are also of a really high quality. Not many people take advantage of the full capability of the color schemes, fonts and charting design that is available right within Microsoft Excel.


If you need to take your Excel skills to the next level to get that dream job, or want to create informative and interactive dashboard reports to impress your boss or clients, then you really need to know Dashboards.


I am really excited to tell you that Mynda at My Online Training Hub.Com is running their fantastic Excel Dashboard Course again from 31st July 2014.

The course is video based and available online 24/7. It comes with comprehensive Excel workbooks and several sample dashboards to keep. There’s also an option to download the videos, plus Mynda personally provides support for the first 6 weeks of the 12 month membership.

Dashboards are an incredibly valuable tool in today’s market for consultants, analysts and managers. But Excel doesn’t make it straightforward to build highly professional and interactive dashboards. That’s why this type of training is crucial.

What members are saying about the course:

The previous classes have been a huge hit with many people saying how they love the cool techniques and how they’ve been able to impress their colleagues and clients by using them in all sorts of reports, not just dashboards.

Others have said the course has prompted them to take a whole new approach to producing their monthly reports.

I had the pleasure of taking the course and I highly recommend the course but don’t take my word for it. You can read comments from past students and find out more here.

Bonus 20% Off

If you join the class by 24th July 2014 you can get it for 20% off.

So, do yourself a favour and check out the course. The price is incredibly fair, the course is awesome and it’ll transform your Excel reports and possibly even your Excel career.



If you want some free Excel Dashboard Tips then feel free to download 30 Charting Excel Tips.  No catches, just 30 brill Excel tips for Charting.  If you feel like taking it a step further then sign up for the Excel Dashboard Course. You won’t regret it!

Keep Excelling!




Disclosure: I make a small commission for students who join Mynda’s course, but as you know I don’t just recommend anything and everything. It has to be of outstanding quality and value, and something I can genuinely recommend. After all, if doesn’t live up to what I’ve promised you’ll think poorly of me too and I don’t want that. Oh, and just watching the course videos won’t transform your career, you have to actually put it into practice, but then you know that.







Barbara is an experienced data analyst with over 20 years of experience. Author of the How To Excel At Excel Top 50 Excel tips Ebook, YouTuber and Excel Blogger.

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