The Mouse Pointer In Excel

The mouse pointer in Excel will take on different shapes depending where it is on the sheet, and each pointer type relates to a particular action.

Selecting cells is Excel is one of most common things you will do as you need to to select cells you want to do something with whether its enter text, data or a formula.

See below for a summary of the different mouse pointers below and what they mean.

To select a cell point to the cell and click once with the mouse to select it.  The cell will appear white with a black border around it.

If you want to select a  a number of cells adjacent to each other at once you need to click on  the first cell to be selected, hold down the mouse button, and then drag it to the last cell you want selected.  A quicker way is to select the first cell, hold down the SHIFT key and click on the last cell to select all you need to.

If you want to select a group of cells that are non adjacent, click on the first cell, hold the Ctrl key and then continue to select the next cells, repeat this until all the cells you require are selected.

Have a practice, it becomes second nature a you easily identify the different mouse pointers.

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Barbara is an experienced data analyst with over 20 years of experience. Author of the How To Excel At Excel Top 50 Excel tips Ebook, YouTuber and Excel Blogger.

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