Hello Excellers, Welcome to another blog post in my #FormulaFriday #ExcelTips series. Today I will show you how to create a Month to Year calculator in Excel. I have a sample file below to work...
Category: Formula Friday
Find The First And Last Occurrence Of A Value With MINIFS and MAXIFS Functions.
Hello, Excellers. Today's blog post will show you how to find the first and last occurrence of a value. I recently used this method to query the first and last dates that a product appeared in my...
Use The Status Bar To Find The Maximum Value In Your Excel Data Set WITHOUT a Formula.
So, Hello Excellers, and welcome back to another #formulafriday blog post. Today is a little different as this blog post centers in the Excel status bar. That is correct, We will not be...
Formula Friday -Delete Values From Cells While Keeping Formulas.
Hello, Excellers, and welcome back to another Excel #FormulaFriday blog post in my 2021 series. Today let’s look at how to delete values from cells while keeping the formulas. A popular...
Formula Friday – Using COUNTIF Function With Data Validation To Check For Repeating Values In Excel
Hi Excellers, welcome to another #formulafriday blog post in my #Excel 2021 series. Data validation is a great way to control data entry into your Excel spreadsheets. The main positive is to...
Formula Friday – Did You Know Excel Knew Roman?. Convert Numbers To Roman Numerals In Excel
Hello Excellers, today let's have a bit of fun with formulas. Did you know that Excel had a ROMAN function?. No, I did not either. I love when I discover something new. I will show you how to...