The Best Of How To Excel At Excel.Com 2012

It’s been a bumper and busy year at

We have had over 104,000 visitors this year, that is an increase of a whopping 2217.43% on last year!!!


The most popular and active posts in 2012 were

1. Create A Timestamp In Excel With Formulas

2. How To Delete Cell Contents In Excel With Simple VBA

3. LEN Function In Excel

4. Quickly Create A Table Of Contents In Excel

5. Change The Width Of Bars In Excel Barcharts


There were visitors to the site from 187 countries around the world!!


Thanks to all of our followers, as well as……

How To Excel At Excel Newsletter Subscribers , commentators, emailers, You Tube Channel Viewers and Twitter Followers!


Barbara is an experienced data analyst with over 20 years of experience. Author of the How To Excel At Excel Top 50 Excel tips Ebook, YouTuber and Excel Blogger.

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