Some Facts About Excel Functions….

[callout title=Summary :- ]Lets shed a little light on Excel Functions, with a few nerdy facts, once you understand these basics you will be able to explore this world of formulae, try a few of them out and be surprised at how they can cut down on your workload and impress your colleagues…[/callout]

Lets start with some facts

  • Functions in excel are ready made formulae that perform useful calculations.
  • They produce results in the cells to which they are entered.
  • Every function begins with the = sign
  • Functions are not case sensitive, ie they can be entered lower or upper case.  But one handy hint it, type the function in lowercase, Excel will automatically convert it to upper case if it’s typed correctly- handy
  • Functions normally do not contain any spaces
  • Functions can be part of a formula or another function.
  • Functions require you to supply information for their operations called arguments for example  ..= SUM(range) where the cell range argument is required to carry out the function.
  • You can either type the full function yourself or use the paste function which lets you choose the function from a list, takes your through the steps and pastes it into a cell.


Barbara is an experienced data analyst with over 20 years of experience. Author of the How To Excel At Excel Top 50 Excel tips Ebook, YouTuber and Excel Blogger.

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