Axis Label Hack For Your Excel Charts – Include The Data Label And The Value Using The CHAR() Function – Formula Friday

Hi, Excellers welcome again to my #formulafriday blog post series.  Today I want to share with you a great little hack for your chart axis labels.   If you find yourself with a shortage of real estate on your dashboard or report (and let’s face it who doesn’t), then this little tip may just come to the rescue and free up a bit of space.  Let’s take a look at using the CHAR() function.

Take a look at my Excel chart below.  I have created a chart where the x-axis labels INCLUDE the data value as well as the chart label.  Cool huh?.  Well, it really is easy the achieve this result with a few simple steps.

All we do is take advantage of the using the CHAR() function in a formula to generate the labels.


CHAR() Function Explained.


The syntax for the CHAR function in  is:

CHAR( ascii_value )

ascii_value  is the ASCII value used to retrieve the character.

Every character is Excel has an associated ANSI character code which determines what you see on your screen.  The ANSI character set is 255 characters long numbered 1 to 255.  An example being number 9 is character 57 and even the non-printing characters have codes assigned.  Space is 32 and line break is 10.  This is the one we are interested in.

We can use the CHAR(10) and join it with the values and labels to create a line break which displays our axis labels nicely.
We do not see the line break unless we use wrap text in our cell.  But it gives the effect we want in the axis labels.  That’s all there is to this chart hack.
How do you create more space for your reports and dashboards?.  Share in the comments below.

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Barbara is an experienced data analyst with over 20 years of experience. Author of the How To Excel At Excel Top 50 Excel tips Ebook, YouTuber and Excel Blogger.

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