The mouse pointer in Excel will take on different shapes depending where it is on the sheet, and each pointer type relates to a particular action. Selecting cells is Excel is one of most common...
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You can use the keyboard instead of clicking around with your mouse to navigate your way around the worksheets in Excel, once you are used to them is a really quick and efficient. The active cell...
The main part of the Excel window is mostly taken up by the worksheet, this is where you enter and edit your data. The worksheet is divided into columns and rows. Columns have lettered headers and...
Performing calculations is one of the main uses of spreadsheets and Excel allows you to build quite complex formulae using arithmetic operators, but it also has a myriad of predefined functions for...
Last Time we looked at the basics of the Excel IF Statement that is based on one condition and one value if true or false, if you need a recap try here, or if you are ready to stride ahead, let's get...
[callout title=Summary:-]Excel Autofill feature can be used to populate a range of cells with either a repeat value, or with a series of numerical values, it saves time and human error and will...